Thursday, October 19, 2006

Victoria Fault Line Art Journal is seeking submissions of art criticism dealing with art in Victoria and elsewhere. Victoria Fault Line is an online project, which exists as a (currently) quarterly bulletin sent via attachment (Word or PDF format) to a list of subscribers, and a Blog site to allow for reader feedback and anonymous postings. Future projects may include a broadsheet or magazine...Regrettably, Fault Line currently exists off of sheer enthusiasm, and has no funding to offer remuneration for submissions. On the other hand, we do offer a committed editorial involvement to all serious submissions, and the chance to contribute to a much needed forum for criticism, discussion and debate within Victoria's visual arts community. Articles featuring art criticism or art related topics are welcome in a variety of formats (including poetry and humour). We favour shorter pieces (typically 250 to 1500 words) and accessible, engaging writing wherever possible. The art discussed needn't be current nor local but the sense of occasion should be. To add your name to our subscriber list, or to send submissions, please correspond by e-mail to . Response time is typically 1 day to 2 weeks for submissions. Watch for our next Bulletin, due October 30th, featuring an essay in reaction to Open Space's upcoming 'Dowsing for Failure', and comments on Robert Hengeveld's current exhibition at the Fifty-Fifty. Thanks for your involvement with this project, John Luna & Tyler Hodgins, editors.

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